Monday, 17 December 2007

Dialysis capacity planning gets a mention in the operating Framework

The Operating Framework sets out the specific business and financial arrangements for the NHS in 2008/09. Coming at the beginning of the next 3 year planning cycle following the recent comprehensive spending review it identifies priorities and ambitions in detail. Many of its key aims are central to delivering world class kidney care including:

  • Reducing healthcare associated infections
  • Keeping people well
  • Delivering the 18 week standard
  • Reducing health inequalities
  • Improving patient experience
  • Improving staff satisfaction and engagement
  • Co-ordinating end of life care.

Specialised services commissioning is highlighted as one of the key enabling strategies.

The 10 Specialised Commissioning Groups (SCGs) were created as a result of the Carter Review and are charged with driving up the quality of specialised services.

“In commissioning for world class health services, SCGs should pay particular attention to areas where significant increase in demand is likely to lead to pressure on services. For example, demand for renal replacement therapy (dialysis and transplantation) is projected to rise by around 5% per year until at least 2030. SCGs will wish to consider options for expanding the provision of satellite dialysis centres and offering more people the option of home dialysis, as well as expanding acute dialysis units”.

The Operating Framework sets out the vision that will shape our future. It's short and readable.