It is now over 8 years since the national
service framework for kidney services was published and we have come along way.
Chronic kidney disease is seen as common, harmful and treatable and acute
kidney injury is on the map. The times they are, a changing and kidney care is
leading the way, from a 20th century cure paradigm many of us were trained and
grew up in, to a 21st century chronic disease management model of care. This is
a cause for celebration. The shift from exclusively cure to care has expanded
our focus from the kidney to the person, carers and family of those with kidney
disease. Patients working with the health care team as equal partners, reaching
shared decisions and tackling the complexity of kidney disease together as a
local care team and national kidney care community.
The change in culture from a traditional medical
model to a holistic patient centred approach where every clinical interaction
should be measured by “Did it add value for the patient?” is I believe our
biggest challenge. However, the Nicholson challenge, to save £20 billion over
the next 4 years, the changes to the structures of the NHS arising from the Health
and Social Care Bill before parliament and the response to the systemic quality
failures that the Mid Staffordshire enquiry has revealed are all affecting how kidney
care is delivered, the experience and outcomes our patients receive.
I recently asked an audience “How many of you
believe quality is the only organising principle of the NHS?” Not many hands
went up. Then I changed it to “Would you like quality to be the organising
principle of the NHS?” They all went up. The paradox is that we are the system-
the NHS is its people and collectively we are the only ones who can achieve
that goal.
Putting quality centre stage is the aim of the
National Kidney Care Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention plan. The
plan is an aggregative of the best elements of the Regional and Kidney Care
Network plans developed over the last 2 years.
It identifies nine key tasks across the patient pathway that will drive
improvement in care and provide value for money. Where it is possible, prevention is the best
medicine and it is certainly the cheapest! Innovation
Health and Wealth, the NHS report for the prime minister highlights
home haemodialysis and virtual kidney care clinics. It makes the case for innovation
to improve outcomes within our current resource constraints. The kidney care
national plan builds on the recommendations in this report and brings together
much of the learning about the importance of preparation and choice,
personalised dialysis prescriptions, early transplantation and conservative
kidney care. It is neither a new set of targets nor a bureaucratic paper
exercise. It sets ambitious but achievable goals based on the NICE
chronic kidney disease quality standards, which taken together provide a
measure of the quality of kidney care.
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