Thursday 16 September 2010

Disintermediate or "just do it"

Identifying savings is the order of the day and it seems to be acquiring its own jargon. I was informed the other day that we need to dis-intermediate. I thought to myself “how do we get traction for dis-intermediation across the architecture of the new provider landscape?”.

The first step was to establish a more granular comprehension of the complex closed managed adaptive system that is our NHS so I asked Azri Nache (Quality Improvement Fellow here at Salford Royal Foundation Trust) what the term dis-intermediate meant – pretty clear really; “to stop doing things that don’t add value and spend your time doing stuff that matters to patients”.

Hmmm; so I reframed the challenge “how do we stop doing wasteful tasks and do more of the useful things?”. Perhaps by each of us making a list of the 3 most useless and irritating things we find ourselves doing, stop those and spend the time saved on 3 things we need to do more of to improve quality of care.